microhackers iot

Blog de MicroHackers: Inteligencia Artificial, IoT, Ciberseguridad y Seguridad en la Nube

owasp top 10

Las 10 vulnerabilidades OWASP más importantes que debes conocer en aplicaciones web

The OWASP Top 10 (Open Web Application Security Project) is a standard awareness document for developers and web application security.…

cybersecurity myths

Desmintiendo los Principales Mitos de la Ciberseguridad: Lo que Necesitas Saber

There are many cybersecurity myths and misconceptions that can lead people to make incorrect assumptions about the risks they face…


Blockchain: Una guía para principiantes sobre sus usos y beneficios

Blockchain is a set of technologies that allow a secure, decentralized, synchronized and distributed record of digital operations, without the…


Los Diferentes Tipos de Ciberseguridad que Existen

In the world of cybersecurity, different types can be differentiated depending on which part of the system is acted on,…

kit digital logo

¿Qué es el Kit Digital?

It is an aid program offered by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation to finance the digital transformation…


¿Qué es la ciberseguridad?

Cybersecurity is the set of techniques, technologies and procedures used to protect computer systems and communication networks from attacks, intrusion…

microhackers cybersecurity

No Esperes a que Hackeen tus Sistemas. ¡Asegura tu Futuro Digital!