Cookies Policy

A cookie is a small text file that is stored in your browser when you visit almost any web page. Its usefulness is that the web is able to remember your visit when you return to browse that page. Cookies usually store technical information, personal preferences, content customization, usage statistics, links to social networks, access to user accounts, etc. The purpose of the cookie is to adapt the content of the web to your profile and needs as without cookies, the services offered by any page would be significantly reduced. That is why we use a cookies policy.

Following the guidelines of the Spanish Data Protection Agency, we proceed to detail the use of cookies made by this website in order to inform you as accurately as possible. We use session cookies, to ensure that users who write comments on the blog are human and not automated applications. This how the spam is fought. This website uses the following third-party cookies for statistical purposes, Statistical cookies help web page owners understand how visitors interact with web pages by collecting and providing information anonymously.

_ga: Google Tag Manager: Registers a unique identification that is used to generate statistical data about how the visitor uses the website. 2 years. HTTP Cookie
_gat: Google Tag Manager: Used by Google Analytics to control the rate of requests 1 day HTTP Cookie
_gid: Google Tag Manager: Registers a unique identification that is used to generate statistical data about how the visitor uses the website. 1 day. HTTP Cookie
NID: Google: Registers a unique identification that identifies the device of a returning user. Identification is used for specific advertisements. 6 months. HTTP Cookie