OWASP Risk Assesment CalculatorRisk Calculator for Accurate Cyber Risk EvaluationHome / Risk Assesment CalculatorLikelihood Factors Skill Level: No technical skills (1)Some technical skills (3)Advanced computer user (5)Network and programming skills (6)Security penetration skills (9) Motive: Low or no reward (1)Possible reward (4)High reward (9) Opportunity: Full access or expensive resources required (0)Special access or resources required (4)Some access or resources required (7)No access or resources required (9) Size: Developers (2)Intranet users (4)Partners (5)Authenticated users (6)Anonymous Internet users (9) Vulnerability Factors Ease of Discovery: Practically impossible (1)Difficult (3)Easy (7)Automated tools available (9) Ease of Exploit: Theoretical (1)Difficult (3)Easy (5)Automated tools available (9) Awareness: Unknown (1)Hidden (4)Obvious (6)Public knowledge (9) Intrusion Detection: Active detection in application (1)Logged and reviewed (3)Logged without review (8)Not logged (9) Impact Factors Loss of Confidentiality: Minimal non-sensitive data disclosed (2)Extensive non-sensitive data disclosed (6)All data disclosed (9) Loss of Integrity: Minimal slightly corrupt data (1)Extensive seriously corrupt data (7)All data totally corrupt (9) Loss of Availability: Minimal secondary services interrupted (1)Extensive primary services interrupted (7)All services completely lost (9) Financial Damage: Less than the cost to fix (1)Significant effect on annual profit (7)Bankruptcy (9) Reputation Damage: Minimal damage (1)Loss of goodwill (5)Brand damage (9) Results:Likelihood: -Vulnerability: -Impact: -Overall Risk Severity: This Risk Rating Calculator is based on OWASP Risk Rating Methodology